Common Questions to Ask a Window Company | Golden Windows

Where investments are concerned, it is entirely reasonable to ask questions. When you approach a car dealership, you formulate questions about automobile specs, payment plans and insurance packages. Before purchasing a washing machine at the local electronics store, you pick the salesperson’s brain about everything from energy efficiency to sizing and capacity.

And when it comes time to add or replace windows and doors, you should carry on this inquisitive tradition. A fantastic window and door company should have nothing to hide. Moreover, they should be knowledgeable, accommodating and generous with their information. At Golden Windows, we pride ourselves on approachable customer service and broad expertise in the field of windows and doors – you wouldn’t expect less from the premier Kitchener windows company.

On this blog, we like to reach clients directly with helpful resources. In keeping with that mission, we are exploring the topic of questions in this article. When you book a consultation with a window and door company, you want to come equipped with intelligent questions that offer as much information as possible. Here are ten questions to ask as you prepare to add or replace windows and doors.  

Do You Offer Free Onsite Measures?

Many of us here at Golden Windows are homeowners ourselves. As such, we understand what it’s like to create a renovation budget and shop around for value. You don’t want hidden costs involved, which can disrupt your ability to budget adequately for a project.

Ask your window and door company whether they offer a free onsite measure. Onsite measures are a necessary part of the installation process, in which an installation sales representative comes to your home, takes measurements and discusses with you the ideal window and door options. We believe you shouldn’t have to pay for this step, as it is a preliminary part of the process before you receive a quote.

At Golden Windows, we offer a free onsite measure. Upon completion, our installation sales representatives will reach out to you with a quote. After that, we will book a convenient time for a final measure. We like to be thorough (a winning quality in a window and door company), and we don’t believe you should pay the cost for that thoroughness.

What Timelines Can I Expect for the Project's Completion?

It’s natural to be curious about timelines. After all, you are excited about your new home improvement project and want to show it off as quickly as possible.

Timelines largely depend on the scope of the project. At Golden Windows, we work with many builders and homeowners alike and we do our best to work with our customers to achieve your desired delivery date.

Can I See Examples of the Windows or Doors in Advance?

There’s a reason we don’t buy cars from a catalogue. Where bigger investments are concerned, we like to see the product up-close. Windows and doors are no different.

You should be able to visualize how a window and door will look in your home. Further, you want visual confirmation of a company’s past work so that you can appraise it for quality and build. Find a window and door company, like Golden Windows, that has showrooms.

Our showrooms feature a selection of doors and windows on display. You can peruse products for their functionality and see different stains and colours to better understand what might look best for your home. Currently, due to COVID-19, our showrooms are open by appointment only (though that may have changed depending on when you are reading this article). To book an appointment at one of our showrooms – London, Kitchener and Kanata – please call us.


Can I Customize My New Window or Door?

This is a great question to ask your window and door company representative. At Golden Windows, we believe that you should be able to infuse personality and uniqueness into each of our products. A one-window-fits-all approach just doesn’t work for most homes.

The more a company allows you to personalize a window or door, the better. Even if you end up choosing several “stock” features, you still want the option of customizing. At Golden Windows, you will find opportunities for customization throughout the selection process.

Start by deciding which door and window materials work best for your budget, taste and architecture. At the link provided in the previous sentence, you will find an article that details the relative merits of each window material – vinyl, aluminum and wood. Next, you personalize the product by choosing from the following:

  • Colour options: Choose from our standard, upgraded and optional colours like Golden White, Golden Sable, Bronze or Dove Grey (to name just a few).
  • Glass Options: Ask your representative what Low-E option they recommend for your climate and window position. If you’re unsure what “Low-E” means, don’t worry – we’ll cover that in the following section.
  • Grille Options: grilles are the narrow strips of material that divide a window into “tile” patterns. We offer Colonial, Muskoka, Victorian and 2” Horizontal grille patterns. You can also create a custom grille pattern to fit your home’s unique architecture. Both grille and glass options apply to windows and door sidelites.
  • Hardware and Optional Accessories: If shopping for a door, choose from handles like the Berkely Grip Set, Venice, Torino and Capri. You may also include a multi-point locking system for greater security.

Although we have explored your customization options here, you may still want to talk through options with a representative. You can also consult our door and window collection on our website for a complete list of each product’s options.

What Is Low-E Glass?

Here is a question we hear often. And we are happy to hear it because it means our customers are meaningfully engaging with the topic of window energy efficiency.

What is Low-E glass? You will find the term used liberally on our website, especially in the “glass options” section of each of our product pages. Low-E means “low emissivity” or “low thermal emissivity” and refers to the surface condition of a glass emitting low levels of heat. Essentially, Low-E glass limits the amount of infrared and ultraviolet light coming in through the windows without limiting the amount of visible light. This means that your windows will be energy efficient – reducing radiant infrared energy emissions – while still supplying your home with plenty of healthful natural light.

At Golden Windows, we have a few options to choose from:

  • Hard coat Low-E (3) | clear - CLLE
  • Soft coat Low-E (2) | clear – SBCL
  • Hard coat Low-E (2) | hard coat low e (4) - LELE
  • Soft coat Low-E (2) | hard coat low e (4) - SBLE

As a follow-up question to ask your window and door company representative, ask which Low-E option they recommend for your house’s climate and window’s position.

What Are Energy Ratings?

Here’s a question that will help you choose the most efficient product for your home: What are energy ratings? Additionally, what is the energy rating of the specific product (type and material) that you are considering?

We can answer the former question here, but you will have to save the latter question for when you speak to one of our window and door experts.

In Canada, we use the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) A440.2 standard, or the National Fenestration Rating Council to test the energy performance of windows, doors and skylights. A product’s energy rating is a combination of its performance in the following values: U-factor, solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) and air leakage heat loss. Together, these values give us a good impression of how energy efficient a window or door is. When looking at the relative energy ratings of various windows and doors, look for higher numbers – higher equals better.

We encourage you to read about our ENERGY STAR® participation to learn more about Golden Windows' commitment to home energy efficiency.

What Windows and Doors Work Best for My Home?

This is a terrific question to ask your window and door company. Remember, home designs and styles are unique. Some are tight condos where space-saving is a critical priority; others are sprawling houses on large lots. Some homes are situated in warmer climates, where others brave the northern chill. Some are modern, sleek and minimalist, whereas others bear classic design features from prior architectural eras.

Choosing a window or door that works for your home requires the help of an expert. At Golden Windows, we pride ourselves on matchmaking unique homes with their ideal windows and doors.

Additionally, let us know of other priorities or features you value in a window. Do you want something easy to maintain? Are you looking for an intruder-proof product? Is ventilation a primary criterium? The more you tell us about your tastes, inclinations and priorities, the better we can answer this essential question.

What Kind of Warranty Do You Offer?

As we mentioned before, windows and doors are an investment. And like any investment, they should come with a robust warranty.

Before you buy, ask your window and door company what kind of warranty they offer. Warranties aren’t just for when something goes wrong; they also represent peace of mind. You want to know that your purchase will work as it should, and that – if it doesn’t – the company will intervene.

At Golden Windows, we offer a competitive warranty with window and glass coverage, warrants for craftsmanship and materials, and factory finish coverage. As with any warranty, you should read through exclusions and limitations, as well as how best to care for your product. You can find our residential warranty here.

Who Will Be Installing My Window?

This is a great question to ask. Additionally, you can ask, “What certifications and experience do the installers have?”, “Are they employees or subcontractors?” and “What steps will the installation team take to keep my home clean and protected during the process?”

Installation is a critical part of buying a new window. You can buy a top-of-the-line product with excellent energy ratings, quality materials and expert craftsmanship. But if the window installers are subpar or don’t know what they are doing, it’s all for naught. Improper installation can negate a window’s energy efficiency and shorten its functional life.

For that reason, we ensure our window installation services are of peak quality. Our Certified Installation Team are experts and masters at their craft. They have many years of experience installing windows and doors in a variety of homes. If you ask a company, "who will be installing my windows?” and they give you a vague or unencouraging answer, thank them and kindly take your business elsewhere.


How Can I Maintain These Windows or Doors?

Last but certainly not least, ask your window and door company about best maintenance practices. Properly cleaning and maintaining your windows and doors help keep them looking beautiful and functioning optimally.

You’ll find a list of care and maintenance instructions on our website. It is good practice to clean your windows twice a year. We like to recommend folding window maintenance into your spring-cleaning routine – after a long Ontario winter, they might need some TLC.

These are just a few questions to ask your window and door company. In truth, the same principles that apply in a classroom apply with your window and door company: namely, that there are no bad questions. Please, feel free to ask us whatever you want. Our knowledgeable team is happy to answer any questions and fulfill requests for more information.

We look forward to talking windows and doors with you soon. Contact us through our website, or give us a call to book a showroom appointment.


Why Proper Window Installation Matters in Cold Weather | Golden Windows

Proper window installation prevents drafts, heat loss, and moisture damage. Learn how Golden Windows ensures energy efficiency and comfort in cold weather.

3/26/2025 9:29:26 AM

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